Where the excessively used form of mediums
for mass communication like Print media, Electronic media (audio and
audio-visual) has proved its existence and importance since centuries, the
importance of folk media too is undeniable.
Where print media, electronic media and online media forms involves and
attracts mostly the modern mass, traditional folk media is the main source of
communication for the rural masses. And the importance of it can be drawn and
understood from the considerable popularity of the traditional folk media among
the rural masses of the developing country like India. Traditional folk media
generally consists of folk songs and music, folk dances, Drama and theatre,
Puppetry shows, street plays and theatres etc. Traditional Folk Media especially
is popular for cultivating and catering the demands of rural illiterate and
backward masses. Especially the part of the population who do not hold the
ability to read and write and also the ones for whom the modern mass medium is
easily accessible in terms of both reach and money. It has been stated a very
influential medium for creating and triggering a very strong position in the
rural people’s mind. It has the ability to educate, inform and entertain the
masses thereby leaving a long lasting impression on people’s mind. Hence it
gives them a platform to learn, discuss and aware themselves about the outer
worlds and their cultures with the strong retention and recalling ability.
Traditional Folk Media reinforces the importance of one’s culture and also is
influential enough to popularise it on the international platforms.
Some of extremely popular Traditional Folk
Media forms are Tamasha, Powada, Keertana, Nautakin, Jatra, Bhavai,
Therukoothu, Ramlila and Raslila, Street Theatre, Puppetry stories.
Advantages of Folk Media:
ü It presents the idea, facts and thoughts of the respective society,
community and culture in a very pleasurable and enjoyable manner.
ü Traditional folk media due to its roots and familiarity with the
targeted audience can mould and motivate numerous unwary and illiterate for a
major setback and change.
ü It is easy to comprehend medium to convey the message. It makes the
presentation easy, quick and understandable.
ü It conveys the informative idea with lot of entertainment thus creating
the retention value for the content.
ü Due to the minimum accessibility to the mass media like newspaper,
radio and television in rural society, traditional folk media predominates on
the rural masses.
ü It is considered as the most credible form of medium because it
includes ‘face-to-face’ presentations and portrayal. It is a live medium unlike
television and radio.
has significantly contributed in various development programmes initiated and
under taken by the state government in the past like ‘Family Welfare’, ‘Children Education’
Role of Traditional Folk Media in promoting
the culture of any community
v It is the suitable form of mass medium that represents its cultural
values and beliefs in a very entertaining form. Thus it helps people to
recognize, understand, know, analyse and retain the intricacies of one’s
v Folk media due to its significant reach preserves and transmits
cultural traditions and values to the next generation. It produces and
distributes cultural products to the large no. of people seeking knowledge,
information and entertainment especially in rural communities.
v Folk media acts as the mover of the rural education and culture in
one hand and ‘surveillant’ of the rural society the other hand.
v Folk Media carry a diverse message of education, political, social,
healthcare and agricultural innovation, as to inform and educate the rural
v Folk Media has compensated for the wider in coverage by the modern
mass medium to overcome and build the communication gap.
v As Folk media do not necessarily have to maintain any decorum and
protected status like other mediums of mass communication, it all audiences to
come closer to such media considerably well.
v It maintains the specifications and actuality of the message to be delivered.
Hence, It adds more value to the existing cultural norms and principles.
v Through its various forms, Folk media delivers the very essence of
its values, beliefs, traditions, rituals and customs in a way that signifies
its importance and the reason of its existence and evolution throughout the
v It gives an identity to a community thereby distinguishing it from
the others.
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